Saturday, January 31, 2009


To all you people out there reading this:
here its goes! My first blog. About health, fitness, and the busy lives that we all live and try to balance. And of course, coffee!
In case you are wondering about the title of this blog, I used to be a barista for about 2 years in a coffee shop, and now blame that job for making me a fanatic for good coffee (and tea!). I own a french coffee press at home and love making a fresh pot of steaming, full-bodied and aromatic Colombian in the morning. Of course, I love an occasional latte or cappuccino, but in order to save valuable money that I can spend on textbooks, I try to make my own. Plus, its so deliciously black with froth on top. :)
As you can see, I no longer work in the coffee business. As a student, I am too busy to withstand 4 a.m. mornings, in fact, I have become to busy to keep healthy. After about a year of neglecting my health, exercise, and body, I was forced to the realization that I wanted to change my ways. It's so easy to be unhealthy in this country, with restaurants expecting you to eat pasta or sushi enough for two people, monstrous muffins, cheap and processed free food at functions, parties in which you tell yourself to let go and enjoy yourself ("eat, drink, and be merry!"), and the occasional family time in which you relax enough to eat your grandma's pumpkin pie plus your sister's famous snickerdoodles. Do you really need both??

Maybe, but certainly not everyday of your life, and certainly not without daily exercise. I am endeavoring to strike a healthy balance while erring on the side of caution to lose a little bit of that weight from the end of freshman year going into sophomore year. But I will save that for another post! For now, welcome and I hope I can get to know YOU more and hear from you!

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